Monday, January 18, 2010

"Earn a Bournville" campaign sucks!

Oye Veh! Just when you think you've seen the worst possible ad campaign coming to a close, you get a rush of the (if possible) even worse round two!!!! Yesh! It seriously makes me wonder about the unique kind of idiot that wants to keep airing this mindless drivel. Not just air it, splash it all across almost every English language TV channel and every other hoarding in India.

And, just which type of morons are we talking about? Some of the highest paid ones, i'll tell you that. Well, the campaign that has got me sooo fuming this month is none other than the rubbish 'You don't buy a Bournville. You earn it.' campaign from none other than the geniuses at Cadbury India and the even bigger geniuses at O&M India.

Check out this link and watch the terrible first TVC that got this monstrous campaign on its feet -

Firstly, what is with the weird, kind-of-kinky pre-consumption routine? - hear the snap, take in the aroma and moan while eating. Secondly, what the hell is this american guy doing in England??? And thirdly, what is the USP here? You can't buy our chocolates which we happen to be selling to you???? I just don't get it. And, I definitely don't think it works.

Only this evening, i caught the second round of TVCs in this campiagn which i fear are even worse than the first one. The entire 30 second spot is filled with a disgruntled british butler who's fed up of his master's, "Lordship's" as he mentions, uppety and degrading treatment. He then steals his "Lordship's" Bournville dark chocolate bar, carefully explains to the audience the how-tos of the kinky pre-consumption routine and ends up with a piano on his head. You think i'm kidding. I couldn't make this shit up even if i tried.

The only message i want to send out to the creators of this abomination in the Indian advertising industry is please, please read 'hey whipple, squeeze this' by Luke Sullivan, cause i'm assuming you haven't if you thought your campaign was a good idea. Please take the wonderful advice of amazing advertising professionals like William Bernbach and give us elegant, intelligent advertising. And please please please stop airing this desperate and annoying excuse for a campaign!